The 1st ever Election Day Blood Moon lunar eclipse is coming on Nov. 8 (2024)

The 1st ever Election Day Blood Moon lunar eclipse is coming on Nov. 8 (1)

Early on Election Day morning, early risers will have an opportunity to observe the November Beaver Moon undergo a total eclipse.

This will be the second lunar eclipse this year; the last one took place onMay 16, 2022. You may want to try and catch this one next week as there won't be another total lunar eclipse until March 14, 2025. You canwatch the total lunar eclipse on Space.comfor free, courtesy of several webcasts from observatories across the United States, beginning at 3 a.m. EST (0800 GMT).

The lunar eclipse coming our way next Tuesday morning favors the western half of North America and the Hawaiian Islands (where the moon will appear almost directly overhead at mid-eclipse). Along the Atlantic Seaboard, the moon will set while it begins to emerge from total eclipse. For central and eastern Asia, Indonesia, New Zealand and Australia, the eclipse will be happening on Tuesday evening as the moon is rising.


Top telescope pick!

The 1st ever Election Day Blood Moon lunar eclipse is coming on Nov. 8 (2)

Looking for a telescope for the lunar eclipse? We recommend the Celestron Astro Fi 102 as the top pick in our best beginner's telescope guide.

In all, estimates that 2.7 billion people will have an opportunity – weather permitting – to enjoy the best part of this lunar show. In other parts of the world, either only the partial stages of the eclipse will be visible, or the eclipse will occur when it's daytime and the moon is not above their local horizon.

This map and accompanying diagram depicting the moon's track through the Earth's shadow are courtesy of The timetable below tells what to expect at your location and when.Dashes indicate that the moon has set and is below the horizon.

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Total Eclipse of the moon. Nov. 8, 2022
Penumbra first visible?3:48 a.m.2:48 a.m.1:48 a.m.12:48 a.m.
Moon enters umbra4:08 a.m.3:08 a.m.2:08 a.m.1:08 a.m.
Total eclipse begins5:16 a.m.4:16 a.m.3:16 a.m.2:16 a.m.
Mid-eclipse 5:59 a.m.4:59 a.m.3:59 a.m.2:59 a.m.
Total eclipse ends6:41 a.m.5:41 a.m.4:41 a.m.2:41 a.m.
Moon leaves umbra--------5:49 a.m.4:49 a.m.
Penumbra last visible?--------6:09 a.m.5:09 a.m.

Stages of the Eclipse

A total lunar eclipse has five stages, with different things to watch for at each.

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The first penumbral stage begins when the moon's leading edge enters the pale outer fringe of the Earth's shadow, called the penumbra. But the shading is so weak that most people won't notice anything until about 70% of the lunar disk is immersed into the penumbra; or about 20 minutes before first contact with the much darker umbral shadow. Some folks with exceptionally acute vision can detect the penumbra when the moon has intruded about halfway across the penumbra or about 30 minutes before it first touches the umbra. Watch for a slight darkening to become apparent on the moon's upper left side. The penumbral shading (or "smudge") becomes stronger as the minutes tick off and the moon moves deeper in.

The second stage is partial eclipse. This begins much more dramatically when the moon's leading (left) edge enters the umbra, Earth's inner shadow, where no direct sunlight reaches. With a telescope, you can watch the edge of the umbra slowly engulfing craters, mountains and lunar maria (the darker plains on the moon's surface), as your local night sky slowly and progressively gets darker. Take note of the Pleiades star cluster, which will be situated high above the moon, becoming more prominent as the eclipse progresses.


The 1st ever Election Day Blood Moon lunar eclipse is coming on Nov. 8 (3)

The moon looks absolutely incredible through a good telescope with a moon filter. We recommend theCelestron Astro Fi 102as the top pick in ourbest beginner's telescope guide.

A little over an hour into partial eclipse, only a final bright sliver of moon remains outside of the umbra. And the rest of the moon is likely showing an eerie reddish/coppery glow. The contrast in both light and color have led some to refer to this as the "Japanese lantern effect."

Next comes the third stage: the total eclipse, beginning when the last rim of the moon slips into the umbra. Although the sun here is completely hidden, the moon is likely to glow some shade of red or orange. These hues are caused by sunlight skimming and bending through Earth's atmosphere: it's the combined light of all the sunrises and sunsets that ring our world at any given moment. If an astronaut were standing on the moon, he or she would see the sun completely hidden and the dark disk of the Earth (appearing nearly four times larger than the moon does for us) surrounded by thin ring of red or orange light. And that light, in turn, falls across the surrounding lunar landscape.

The 1st ever Election Day Blood Moon lunar eclipse is coming on Nov. 8 (4)

Light or dark?

On rare occasions, such as in 1963 and 1992, the totally eclipsed moon does go almost black. On other occasions, such as in 1967 and 2003 it can appear as bright as a newly minted penny. Sometimes, rather than a distinctive red or orange it turns brown and more closely resembles the color of a bar of milk chocolate.

Two factors determine the moon's brightness and color during totality. The first is how deep into the moon penetrates into the umbra; the umbra's center is much darker than its edges. For this upcoming eclipse, the moon will track to the north of the umbra's center. At mid-eclipse the moon's lower limb will be just grazing the umbra's center, but its upper limb will be tucked about 780 miles (1,250 kilometers) inside the umbra's outer edge. So, the top part of the moon's disk should appear distinctly brighter than the lower part.

The other factor is the state of the Earth's atmosphere along the sunrise-sunset line. If the air is very clear, the eclipse is bright. But if a major volcanic eruption has recently polluted the atmosphere with an aerosol cloud or a thin global haze, the eclipse will be ashen gray, or almost black. The Agung volcano in Indonesia in 1963 and Pinatubo volcano in the Philippines in 1991 were the primary reasons for the lunar eclipses that followed in the wake of their eruptions for being so dark.

In addition, blue light refracted by Earth's clear, ozone rich upper atmosphere can also add to the scene, especially near the umbra's edge.

The 1st ever Election Day Blood Moon lunar eclipse is coming on Nov. 8 (5)

Emerging from the shadow

As was the case last May, the duration of totality will run unusually long, lasting 85 minutes. And then, as the moon continues eastward along its orbit, events recur in reverse order. The moon's leading edge re-emerges into sunlight, ending totality and beginning stage four: partial eclipse again.

When all of the moon escapes the penumbra, only the last penumbral shading is left for stage five. This final duskiness slowly fades away, leaving the brilliant mid-autumn full moon to resume its normal guise.

Look for Uranus too!

By a fortuitous coincidence, the planet Uranus, magnitude +5.6, will appear less than 2 degrees to the upper left of the moon during totality. Spot it with your binoculars or telescope by first making a sighting of the yellow-white +6.3 magnitude star HIP 13448 which during totality will appear about a degree to the moon's upper left. Then continue a similar distance in the same direction until you come to another "star" appearing about twice as bright as HIP 13448. Only that will not be a star, but the sixth planet out from the sun. Can you see anything of Uranus's aquamarine blue-green tint? Contrast with the orange-red moon may make this color a bit more obvious.

And for some fortuitous locations: northwestern North America, Asia, Japan and the Arctic regions, the moon will actually occult (hide) Uranus.

In a telescope, Uranus is a tiny disk 3.7 arc seconds wide. It's 1.74 billion miles (2.8 billion km) from Earth compared to the moon's 240,000 miles (387,000 km).

Joe Rao serves as an instructor and guest lecturer at New York'sHayden Planetarium. He writes about astronomy forNatural History magazine, theFarmers' Almanacand other publications. Follow uson Twitter@Spacedotcomand onFacebook.

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The 1st ever Election Day Blood Moon lunar eclipse is coming on Nov. 8 (6)

Joe Rao

Skywatching Columnist

Joe Rao is's skywatching columnist, as well as a veteran meteorologist and eclipse chaser who also serves as an instructor and guest lecturer at New York's Hayden Planetarium. He writes about astronomy for Natural History magazine, the Farmers' Almanac and other publications. Joe is an 8-time Emmy-nominated meteorologist who served the Putnam Valley region of New York for over 21 years. You can find him on Twitter and YouTube tracking lunar and solar eclipses, meteor showers and more. To find out Joe's latest project, visit him on Twitter.

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The 1st ever Election Day Blood Moon lunar eclipse is coming on Nov. 8 (2024)


What happens during a lunar eclipse choose 1 answer choose 1 answer? ›

A lunar eclipse is caused by Earth blocking sunlight from reaching the moon and creating a shadow across the lunar surface. The sun-blocking Earth casts two shadows that fall on the moon during a lunar eclipse: The umbra is a full, dark shadow, and the penumbra is a partial outer shadow.

Is there a lunar eclipse on Election Day? ›

Bottom line: Tuesday, November 8, 2022, will bring the first Election Day total lunar eclipse in U.S. history. Assuming the U.S. system of voting stays constant, we won't have an Election Day total lunar eclipse again for another 372 years. And that won't be until Tuesday, November 8, 2394.

At what time will the blood moon appear? ›

When is the next blood moon? The next blood moon will occur on March 13/14, 2025. The lunar eclipse will begin at 11:57 p.m. EST on March 13 (0357 GMT on March 14) and end at 6:00 a.m. EST (1000 GMT) on March 14.

What is eclipse short answers? ›

What is a Solar Eclipse? Sometimes when the Moon orbits Earth, the Moon moves between the Sun and Earth. When this happens, the Moon blocks the light of the Sun from reaching Earth. This causes an eclipse of the Sun, or a solar eclipse.

What is lunar eclipse question answer? ›

Short Answer

Answer: A lunar eclipse is an astronomical event where the Earth's shadow falls on the Moon, causing it to become dark or partially dark for a short period of time.

What is lunar eclipse day? ›

A Lunar eclipse occurs when the Sun casts Earth's shadow onto the Moon. For this to happen, the Earth must be physically between the Sun and Moon with all three bodies lying on the same plane of orbit. A lunar eclipse can only occur during a Full Moon and when the Moon passes through all or a portion of Earth's shadow.

What does the blood moon mean in astrology? ›

If full moons symbolize change, transformation, and ascension, the blood moon is an annual reminder of the importance of introspection and sacrifice in personal growth.

Can you look at the lunar eclipse directly? ›

Is it safe to look at a lunar eclipse? The good thing about all types of lunar eclipse is that, unlike a solar eclipse, they are safe to view with the naked eye. This is because lunar eclipses only reflect sunlight - they don't get any brighter than a full Moon, which you've probably safely observed many times before.

Why is the Moon yellow? ›

The Moon DOES look more yellow near the horizon

This happens because the Moon's light travels a longer distance through the atmosphere. As it travels a longer path, more of the shorter, bluer wavelengths of light are scattered away, leaving more of the longer, redder wavelengths.

How long do lunar eclipses last? ›

A total lunar eclipse will go through all three stages and will usually last between 30 and 60 minutes. Even during a total lunar eclipse, the Moon is never completely invisible. Sunlight is refracted through the Earth's atmosphere and gives the Moon a red hue, which is where the name Blood Moon comes from.

Who named the blood moon? ›

John Hagee appears to have popularized the term in his 2013 book Four Blood Moons: Something is About to Change.

What blocks the Moon? ›

During a lunar eclipse, Earth comes between the Sun and the Moon, blocking the sunlight falling on the Moon. There are two kinds of lunar eclipses: A total lunar eclipse occurs when the Moon and Sun are on opposite sides of Earth. A partial lunar eclipse happens when only part of Earth's shadow covers the Moon.

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Special supermoons

On rare occasions, a lunar eclipse occurs on the same night as a supermoon. Because the Moon looks red, it is known as a 'super blood Moon'.

What happens during a lunar eclipse? ›

Lunar eclipses occur at the full moon phase. When Earth is positioned precisely between the Moon and Sun, Earth's shadow falls upon the surface of the Moon, dimming it and sometimes turning the lunar surface a striking red over the course of a few hours. Each lunar eclipse is visible from half of Earth.

What happens during a lunar eclipse commonlit answers? ›

Instead of light hitting the moon's surface, Earth's shadow falls on it. This is an eclipse of the moon — a lunar eclipse. A lunar eclipse can occur only when the moon is full.

What happens during a lunar eclipse in Quizlet? ›

During a total lunar eclipse, the Earth moves between the Sun and the Moon and cuts off the Moon's light supply. When this happens, the surface of the Moon takes on a reddish glow instead of going completely dark.

What happens during a solar eclipse answer? ›

A solar eclipse happens when the Moon passes between the Sun and Earth, casting a shadow on Earth that either fully or partially blocks the Sun's light in some areas. This only happens occasionally, because the Moon doesn't orbit in the exact same plane as the Sun and Earth do.

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